Telepsychiatry Services in 18 states: AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DC, FL, GA, IL, LA, MD, NC, NJ, NV, PA, TX, VA, WA.

Mental Health Resources

Here are additional mental health resources to help you along your journey!

Directories For Mental Health Services

Associations & Organizations

BIPOC Mental Health

Suicide Awareness and Safety/Crisis Hotlines

Bibliotherapy (Books that are therapeutic, helpful additions to psychotherapy)

Disclaimer:  Some of the items on this page contain affiliate links (for e.g. Amazon), which means a commission may be earned from qualifying purchases, at no additional cost to the buyer. These resources are provided for informational purposes only and do not constitute medical advice or guarantees of effectiveness.

Directories to Find Psychiatrists and Therapists

Associations & Organizations

BIPOC Mental Health Resources

Suicide Awareness and Safety/Crisis Hotlines

Bibliotherapy (Books that aid in mental health and personal growth.  Useful additions to psychotherapy)

SoftLife MD’s Favorite Self-Care Tools